Caring Therapy for Depression and Anxiety in San Ramon, CA to Regain Balance

In-Person Therapy | San Ramon, CA
Online Therapy | California | Nevada

 We live in a world where we experience life stressors at a hectic pace:

  • Divorce

  • Death

  • Life transitions like marriage, baby, or new job

At times, these stressors can flood even the most resilient individuals with excessive sadness and worry.

While these feelings can be fleeting, they can also become pervasive enough to make you feel stuck and hopeless, and talking to a trusted friend is just not enough.

With the help of a professional, you can begin to make sense of what is currently happening, make connections to what keeps you stuck in this place, and develop resiliency tools and coping skills that can help you move forward towards a more well-balanced and fulfilling life.

If you feel you are at this point or headed in that direction, it may be time to seek out a therapist.

Therapy for anxiety and depression can help you:

  • Identify and understand triggers

  • Increase mindfulness and consciousness

  • Challenge negative thought patterns

  • Increase self-care practices

  • Develop healthy coping skills

You have incredible gifts, strengths, & potential.